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Cologne Spring School for Medical Humanities 2024 | Perspectives on Health, Wellbeing and Diversity


Explore health and diversity at the Cologne Spring School for Medical Humanities from 18-22 March 2024. This 5-day event is open to advanced students and doctoral candidates either from Cologne or abroad. 

The “Cologne Spring School for Medical Humanities: Perspectives on Health, Wellbeing and Diversity” will take place at the University of Cologne/CMMC from 18-22 March 2024. This inter- and transdisciplinary 5-day Spring School is aimed at advanced students and doctoral candidates to promote innovative dialog between medicine and the humanities. 

The Spring School offers a rich programme including study-trips and cultural events within a vibrant international atmosphere. The perspectives of both patients and practitioners will be taken into account and deepened through focal points such as well-being, gender, age, environment, biography and heritage. In this way, the Spring School is part of a comprehensive effort for a medicine of the 21st century that attempts to do justice to the individuality of illness, health and well-being in the face of the diversity of our globalised lifeworlds. Numerous experts from disciplines such as medicine, psychology, sociology, philosophy, history, literature, gender and queer studies and many more offer a stimulating and exciting programme.

Further information

The Cologne Spring School for Medical Humanities is supported by the Cologne Summer Schools (CSS), the European University of Well-Being (EUniWell), the Cologne Center for Ethics, Rights, Economics and Social Sciences of Health (ceres), Gender and Queer Studies in Cologne (GeStik), Forum Decolonizing Academia, the Institute for the Ethics and History of Medicine, Klinische Altersforschung/Med II Universitätsklinik Köln and the Husserl Archives Cologne.
