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Research Project

The Inapparent by all Appearances and the Letting-Appear

The non-appearance, disappearance or withdrawal of the media in their implementation is the basis for the development of the present research project on the absence of the media themselves, which phenomenology has to describe as such. The issue emerges in the fact that media success goes back to their disappearance, whereby the mediated always appear unmediated. This unmediated mediacy as immaterial materiality stands for the absence in presence. The hidden materiality of media means nothing else than the vanishing of the medium itself in use and the invisibility of medium as its performance. The latency problem is to be examined in the relationship between the nature of the phenomenon and the nature of the medium with border-crossing conversions of the Franco- German conceptual and description work. The question of what a medium is, is one of the basic questions of academic engagement with media, which includes media studies, media theory, media criticism, media history and media philosophy. From the beginning, the classic and new phenomenology deals with the question of what a phenomenon or an appearance is. However, the disappearance of media in use poses a great challenge for the phenomenological dealing with media, to which phenomenologists have to respond when they comprehend phenomenology as logos of phenomena and a philosophy of mediation or assume appearance as an absolute medium.

