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Cologne-Leuven Summer-School
in Phenomenology 2017

Phenomenology and its Methods /
Die Phänomenologie und ihre Methoden

University of Cologne, July 31–August 4, 2017

In dieser Summer School stehen die Methoden der Phänomenologie im Zentrum. Die Veranstaltung verfolgt dabei zwei Gedankenlinien: Eine Linie der Präsentationen folgt den Methodenvorgaben der Phänomenologie Husserls und stellt die Themen Intentionalanalyse, Deskription, Konstitutionsanalyse, Eidetische Methode, Reduktion und intentional-genetische Analyse dar. Eine weitere Linie wird sich mit dem Verhältnis der Methoden der Phänomenologie zu experimentellen Methoden und zu den Methoden der (Natur-)Wissenschaften und Geisteswissenschaften auseinandersetzen.

This Cologne Leuven Summer School will concentrate on the methods of Phenomenology in two lines of thought: The first will present phenomenological methods in close orientation to Husserl's phenomenology, i.e. intentional analysis, Deskription, analysis of constitution, eidetic method, reductive methods and the genetic analysis of human consciousness. A further line will be dedicated to the relation of phenomenological methods to experimental methods in general, Science of Nature and Human Sciences.

The lecturers are: Prof. Dr. Dieter Lohmar (Cologne), Jun. Prof. Dr. Thiemo Breyer (Cologne), Prof. Dr. Jagna Brudzińska (Köln/Warschau), Prof. Dr. Christian Ferencz-Flatz (Bucarest/Köln), Prof. Dr. Alice Pugliese (Palermo), Marco Cavallaro MA (Köln), Sergio Pérez Gatica MA (Mexico/Cologne), Regina Schreiber MA (Cologne).

We are planning for a medium level that should inform intensively on the different aspects, but we are also open for discussions and questions on the level of doctoral students and postdocs.

This course will also be handled as a "Hauptseminar" for students of Cologne University. For those students of the University of Cologne who want to obtain a qualified certificate for this Hauptseminar, a written paper on a topic to be determined is expected.
This international Summer School is open for students from all countries. The courses will be held mostly in English.

Because we have no financial support to offer for participants we strongly encourage you to apply for short term grants at your university or other institutions.

Time: Monday-Friday 31 July – 04 August 2017, each day 10:00–13.00 and 15:00–17.00
Location: University of Cologne, Main Building, Room 4.011

IMPORTANT: Written registration is required because of limited capacities!
Registration is to be done before June 30, 2017 (deadline) with the secretary of the Cologne Husserl-Archives: klaus.sellge[at]uni-koeln.de
